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publicity on participating in the nominated projects for guangdong provincial science and technology award in 2020
publication time:2020.08.19 17:25:18
according to requirements of the notice of department of science and technology of guangdong province on the nomination of guangdong provincial science and technology award in 2020 (ykhqz [2020] 391), we hereby make public the relevant contents of "application of key technologies and dies in alloy steel selected area laser melting forming" in the nominated projects for guangdong provincial science and technology award in 2020 in which participated by yan feng, wang xueyang and huang zhiyuan. please refer to the annex for details. time of publicity: from august 7, 2020 to august 14, 2020, 7 days in total.

during the period of publicity, if you have any objection to the content of the publicity, please report the issues in written form. for those who report the issues in his/her own name, please provide the true name (and signature), contact information and the evidences for the reported issues, etc.; for those who report the issues in the name of the company, please provide the company name (with official seal), contact person, contact information and evidences of the reported issues, etc. any anonymous objection or the one beyond the time limit will not be accepted.

contact person: zhang jianying 
contact number: 0758-8512923 
office address: no.168, jindu shiji avenue, gaoyao district, zhaoqing, guangdong

annex: publicity form of guangdong provincial science and technology award in 2020
                                                                                                                                guangdong hongtu technology (holdings) co., ltd.
 august 7, 2020
guangdong icp provides zhaoqing public security bureau network police detachment record number:4412833000509