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"constitution propaganda week" series-talking about the constitution, xi jinping's words have a long history
publication time:2019.12.19 14:00:27


"the legal person, the procedure of the world, and the instrument of all things." as the fundamental law of our country, the constitution has the highest legal effect, is the general charter of governing the country, and the central embodiment of the will of the party and the people. in the mind of general secretary xi jinping, the constitution has always been paramount. he repeatedly emphasized that the constitution has the highest legal status, legal authority, and legal effect, and pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen constitutional study, publicity and education, promote the spirit of the constitution, popularize constitutional knowledge, and create a good atmosphere for strengthening the implementation and supervision of the constitution. december 1st to 7th is the second "constitution publicity week" in china, with the theme "promoting the spirit of the constitution and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance ability", and december 4th is the sixth national constitution day in china. here, the cctv network "unioncast " will work with you to review the important statement of the general secretary about the constitution, study the constitution together, respect the constitution, and safeguard the constitution.



the constitution is the fundamental law of the country


the constitution is the fundamental law of the country. to adhere to governing the country according to law, we must first adhere to governing the country according to the constitution.


——speech at the 60th anniversary of the founding of the national people's congress on september 5, 2014.


the constitution has the highest legal status, legal authority and legal effect.


——a speech during the fourth collective study of the political bureau of the cpc central committee on february 24, 2018.


the basic rights and duties of citizens are the core content of the constitution. the constitution is the fundamental guarantee for every citizen to enjoy rights and fulfill his obligations.


——a speech at a conference on december 4th, 2012 in various circles of the capital to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the promulgation of the current constitution.


china's constitution is a good constitution that conforms to the national conditions, the reality, and the requirements of the development of the times. it is the fundamental legal guarantee for our country and people to withstand various difficulties and risks, and always follow the path of socialism with chinese characteristics.


——on december 3, 2014, important instructions were made on the occasion of the first national constitution day.



the life of the constitution lies in its implementation


the life of the constitution lies in its implementation, and the authority of the constitution lies in its implementation.


——a speech at a conference on december 4th, 2012 in various circles of the capital to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the promulgation of the current constitution.


as a superstructure, the constitution must adapt to changes in the economic foundation.


——a speech during the fourth collective study of the political bureau of the cpc central committee on february 24, 2018


only by continuously adapting to the new situation, absorbing new experiences, and confirming new achievements, can the constitution have lasting vitality.


——a speech at a conference on december 4th, 2012 in various circles of the capital to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the promulgation of the current constitution.


our party must first take the lead in admiring and enforcing the constitution, and unite leading the people in formulating and implementing constitutional laws with the party's adherence to activities within the scope of the constitutional laws.


——a speech during the fourth collective study of the political bureau of the cpc central committee on february 24, 2018.


firmly uphold constitutional dignity and authority


through unremitting efforts, we must firmly establish the authority of the constitution and laws in the whole society, so that the broad masses of people fully believe in the law and consciously apply the law, so that the broad masses realize that the constitution is not only a code of conduct that all citizens must follow, but also that it protects citizens. legal weapon of rights. we must regard constitutional education as an important content of party member and cadre education, so that leading cadres at all levels and staff of state organs can grasp the basic knowledge of the constitution, and establish a conscious awareness of loyalty to the constitution, observance of the constitution, and maintenance of the constitution.


——a speech at a conference on december 4th, 2012 in various circles of the capital to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the promulgation of the current constitution.


china's constitution is the general charter governing the country and governing the country. it must reflect the historical progress of the cause of the party and the people, and must be continuously improved as the party leads the people to develop socialist practices with chinese characteristics.


——a speech during the fourth collective study of the political bureau of the cpc central committee on february 24, 2018.


when the party leads the people to formulate and improve the constitution, it is necessary to give play to the important role of the constitution in governing the country. it is necessary to ensure the implementation of the constitution with a scientific, effective and systematic system, strengthen constitutional supervision, safeguard constitutional dignity, and raise the implementation of the constitution to a new level. we must carry out propaganda and education activities that respect the constitution, study the constitution, abide by the constitution, maintain the constitution, and use the constitution to promote the spirit of the constitution and establish constitutional authority, so that all people can become loyal advocates of socialist rule of law and consciously abide by it. and defenders.


——december 4, 2018, on the occasion of the fifth national constitution day


           (source: cctv, cctv)

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